What are major differences between Django, Pyramid and Flask.?
Which is composition in python ?
What are python iterators ?
What is difference between iterable and iterator ?
What are python generators ?
What are closures in python ?
What are decorators in python ?
What Is the use of Globals() function In Python?
What is help() function in python ?
What is dir() function in python ?
What is the use of zip() method in python ?
What is regular expression library in python ?
Can you find regular expression code to find all email ids from the string. ?
How to remove punctuation’s from a string ?
How to find duplicates values from the data using python?
How can you convert a number to string ?
How to do web scraping using python ?
What is use of urllib() module in python ?
How to take input values from user in python ?
What is Coroutine in Python ?
When to use yield instead of return in Python?
What are *args and **kwargs in Python ?
What are Inplace Operators in Python ?
What is the difference between Inplace vs Standard Operators in Python ?
How to generate random number using python ?
You can generate random number by using range
What is difference between range() and xrange() functions in python ?
If you want to write code that will run on both Python 2 and Python 3, use range() as the xrange funtion is deprecated in Python 3. range() is faster if iterating over the same sequence multiple times. xrange() has to reconstruct the integer object every time, but range() will have real integer objects.
What is OS module in python ?
What is Copy module ?
What is difference between Deep vs Shallow copy ?
What is Import module in python ?
What Reload module in python ?
What Collection module in python ?
What is DeQue in python ?
What is NamedTuple in python ?
What is Heap in pyton ?
What is Enum module in python ?
What is Theano in Python ?
What are math functions in python ? How to call them ?
What are statistics functions in python ? how to call them ?
How to do get and post requests in python ?
What is timit function in python ? how it’s useful ?
What is Packing and unpacking arguments in python ?
how you can minimize the Memcached server outages in your Python Development?
What is Dogpile effect? How can you prevent this effect?
What is Generator Expression In Python ? What is the syntax ?
What are conditional expression in python ? What is the syntax ?
How does Ternary Operator works in python ?
What does self keyword do in python ?
What are Best frameworks for Python ?
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